This blog will comprise a collection of ephemera, mess and miscellaneous artifacts reflecting on the writer's life.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Thanks to Leslie for reminding me that I too am interested in polysemic stuff. (Amazing what Miami has done for everyone I know - they all know more exciting people. Fantastic).

I am currently in the middle of a museums reading manic phase.
In this book she writes about the effects of digitization on museum practice which,

'means that objects are now frequently placed alongside other sources of information such as photographs, film and oral testimony. The effect is a more open, polysemic exhibition practice...'
(Witcomb 2003:6)

You see? the word polysemic again. And also, the idea that digital technologies allow a more open polysemic set of practices in museums.
I would say that is also true of the web, where I can be a virtual tourist, trailing my way through stuff, like I trailed through this place, looking at their random collection of china.
Here are some digital museums.
Check this out here
and have you heard of the Internet of Things?
You will soon.
See here.
You will laugh so much.
And there is an even more exciting site about text messaging here.
Tomorrow I am off here to see about more grants from here even though I have one already.
I must be mad but I cannot resist the lure of the museum artifact.

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