This blog will comprise a collection of ephemera, mess and miscellaneous artifacts reflecting on the writer's life.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Karen: Shopping for San Paradiso chapter 3

Karen peered at herself in the mirror as she tried on this outfit.
She felt it was important to purchase a whole new wardrobe in advance of her impending trip to San Paradiso.
When she pulled out all her clothes in order to pack them, she was confronted with a jumble of Marks and Spencers supposedly 'cool' cardigans with nappy pin dangly ties and skirts that screamed 'sensible'.
Dull dresses dominated (pictured here).

Karen had an epiphany.
She must become a new person.
Someone focused yet floaty, assured yet with a hint of English winsomness.
Only Ghost had the necessary clothes and to this end she had gone to the local posh store 'Betty's' and was kitting herself out.
Kevin, ofcourse, thought she was mad.
'The dollar is so low, baby' he yawned. 'You should shop over there.'
Keven yawned a lot these days, as he was trying to not be jealous of Karen.
Karen meanwhile was taking a sneaky look at her new colleagues on the internet.
They all had marvellous names like Wanda Pillow and worked in wonderful acronyms like NYPD blues instead of real academic departments.
It all looked very thrilling but she felt a make over was called for.
Never mind the dollars, she wanted to be ready when the time came.
She wanted to turn into an expert shopper.


Minge said...

Totally fabulous!

Kate said...

Hi Minge I love your choice of movie and glad you like the blog also it is good that Karen gets to shop in this installment.