This blog will comprise a collection of ephemera, mess and miscellaneous artifacts reflecting on the writer's life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A fresh pair of eyes

Seeing differently, or through different eyes, seems to be a theme of many blog posts.
Dr Joolz writes about the way photography has helped her see differently.
Steve (the guy holding the video camera in the picture) talked today about how in his work with schools, a fresh pair of eyes really helps children and teachers understand and appreciate what they are doing.
In a way, research is simply a fresh pair of eyes.
In my work here, I am coming in as an outsider, and learning about the processes and practices that have taken place.
And some of those processes and practices involve seeing things differently, like using viewfinders to look at everyday objects, such as dooors and windows, or through the branches of a tree.
In a way, blogs help you see differently.
Dr Joolz put up a pair of bicycle chains recently.
What do you think this is?


JP said...

Birthday candles about to be blown out by enthusiastic neice despite uncle and aunt appearing unexpectantly at last moment!

Joolz said...

Ok it is shiny and thin. (Unlike me.
Could be the edge of a comb.
This is very hard though as is blurry. Is that cheating?

Kate said...

Actually I don't know what it is either.
My daughter took it for her art project and I liked it.

Kate said...

this is a piece of bark that i was photgraphing for my mock art GCSE exam on natural surfaces. daughter.