This blog will comprise a collection of ephemera, mess and miscellaneous artifacts reflecting on the writer's life.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

small objects

I was intrigued by this website which celebrates small objects.
Go and check it out.
I am also interested in art which celebrates the microscopic, as here.
I also like books about small things like this one and this one.

I spend my life surrounded by small miscellaneous objects as here.
These objects are continually on our kitchen table.
Can you spot what they are?
They mostly belong to Molly.
Molly likes small animals from this shop and they have colonized our living space.
Gunther Kress would say that we are sharing our space with child aliens who think differently from us.

This is a picture she took of her Sylvanians in their caravan.
Can you spot any unusual objects?
(this is a bit like those children's puzzles where there are two pictures and you have to spot which are different)

Perhaps I should start a cult.

1 comment:

Joolz said...

I love Sylvanians.
ROsa had loads and I was always buying more as I loved them. I like the way there are things like a lemonb juicer on a lamp and little nut shells. Very sweet.