This blog will comprise a collection of ephemera, mess and miscellaneous artifacts reflecting on the writer's life.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

the miscellaneous pile

I have argued here about the importance of the miscellaneous pile.
One of my informants complained that while other people seemed to have a sense of order she was left with miscellaneous piles.
I feel the same way.
Today, my desk looks like this.

I am simultaneously trying to write a chapter with Dr Joolz (third space theory watch this space) plus my encyclopaedia article (not yet done alas) plus write a letter about a workshop series and fill in my daughter's Oyster card form.
What is one to do?
In times like this, I turn to Gregory Bateson who says this:
there are infinitely many muddled ways, - so things will always go toward muddle and mixedness.

What I love about this is that Bateson realises that muddle is more.
It actuallly expands and is a kind of affordance.
Tidiness is only a constraint.
It is often thought that muddled thinking is a bad thing, but I realise, particularly working with artists, that it can actually be quite good and lead to new insights.
This cheers me up and luckily this person has the same problem.
That's the end of my thinking posts.
If you want more on thinking go here.
It will blow your mind.


JP said...

Messy desks are good! On the subject of encyclopedias don't you just love wikipedia.

Joolz said...

Ha ha yes I found that clicky site too.
I stumbled upon it, did you?
Also I will take over the chapter now. Fling it over and be done

Kate said...

You are so kind Dr Joolz.
After an initial burst I am a spent force and today was spent dithering aobut what to do next so I did nothing.